Our Tools
Depaul UK is one of the biggest homelessness charities in the UK, for more than 30 years we’ve worked alongside young people facing homelessness. We offer accommodation, practical support and the wellbeing resources that the people we work with need to get back on their feet.
We’re committed to innovation in our response to homelessness, embracing new ways of working, developing new, and effective, tools for measuring outcomes and carrying out hard-hitting original research. The Youth Homelessness Outcomes Tracker (YHOT) and the Danger Zones and Stepping Stones assessment tool are the results of this innovation. These tools are based on extensive research and grounded in the experiences of the young people we support.

Youth Homelessness Outcomes Tracker
Our tool for measuring the outcomes experienced by the young people we support. Designed through extensive consultation, the tool measures the areas of change that really matter to young people.

Danger Zones and Stepping Stones
A new way of assessing Temporary Living Arrangements that helps protect young people from harm and support them into stable accommodation.